Zero Balancing by the Sea

January 25 - February 01, 2025

Michael Oruch


About the Retreat

ZB by the Sea is the annual residential ZB program in Mexico. The name stays the same, but the context ever evolves. The program is designed to be a multidimensional experience of deepening one’s understanding of ZB and creating a container for personal growth, rejuvenation and change. This is all done in an atmosphere and environment of support, both by nature and your peers, while using time-honored rituals to enhance the wonders and intensity of the retreat. Highlights include a Day of Conscious Choice, a Temazcal (sweat lodge), whale watching, and a night of music and dancing.

Click here for further info.

About the Teachers

Michael Oruch

Michael Oruch is Zero Balancing teacher, practitioner and artist living in New York City.

He has taught Zero Balancing in the U.S. and internationally since 1996. He has also taught painting at Northwestern University and Qigong at New York University.

Michael believes Zero Balancing is a vehicle for health, wellness and positive change both personally and collectively. 

He was inspired to teach ZB after years of study and tutelage with Dr. Fritz Smith, the founder of Zero Balancing, and many years of studying Qigong.    

One client said after her first ZB with Michael, “wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone had a ZB.” He couldn’t agree more.

Michael is the developer of multiple Zero Balancing classes: ‘Zero Balancing Form & Fulcrums’, ‘The 15 Minute ZB’,  ‘Zero Balancing Fields & Fulcrums’ and ‘ The Restorative ZB’ 

 Zero Balancing training DVD’s: ‘ZB Protocol Review’, and ‘ The Fifteen Minute ZB.’

Each year Michael joins Dr. Smith in Mexico to co-teach ”ZB by the Sea’  at the beautiful Mar de Jade. 

Michael has served on the ZBHA Board of Directors since 1996.

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