March 16 - March 23, 2019
Sarah Marshank
During this fun and transformative retreat you will investigate the three domains within Selfistry’s philosophy: Source, Self, and Witness. You will experience Selfistry’s unique somatic practice and explore other practices that suit your temperament as you discover concrete tools for reorienting your life into greater alignment with your core values and dreams. You will benefit from personal one-on-one support and focused guidance from Selfistry founder Sarah Marshank. You’ll explore and discover yourself within a small, intimate group and forge a lifestyle conducive to sustainable transformation.
Selfistry is an integrative system where your spirituality/faith, your psychology/emotional intelligence, your physical well-being, and your belonging in community begin to organize themselves in a way that turns your life into a work of art—with you as the artist. There’s no dogma in Selfistry, no right or wrong way to be or do it. There’s simply an invitation for you to discover for yourself who you are and why you’re here.
Selfistry draws from meditation, silence, yoga, mindfulness and prayer—all of which Sarah spent ten years practicing in seclusion—along with modern transformational techniques such as conscious movement, vision questing, and psychological techniques for consciousness development. Selfistry is also informed by a rigorous academic study and contemplation of other teachings from diverse lineages and disciplines.
More Details Coming Soon!
$1497 before Feb 1, 2019
$1797 after Feb 1, 2019
Sarah Marshank