November 04 - November 11, 2023
Dana Hood, Christy Cutler, Annie Martens
This retreat is an invitation to dive deep into the medicine of Somatic Movement in a healing and beautiful location. Experience Nia, Breathwork, Feldenkrais, Meditation, Relaxation, Connection, Play, Expansion and JOY-FULL Expression. Mar De Jade’s beautiful natural surroundings and serene atmosphere makes for a magical experience. It is situated at the foothills of a tropical jungle, between the mountains and the warm shores of the pacific ocean. You will hear birds each morning and the ocean waves throughout the day.
Dana Hood
WoManifestor/ Nia Second Degree Black Belt Nia Teacher/ Libra/ Serial Entrepreneur/ Dog Lover/ Manifesting Generator/ JourneyDance Facilitator/ Yoga Nidra Teacher/ Obsessive Creative/ Spa-Hopper/ I am in constant awe of this incredible life created by movement, music and magic! My Nia classes are an energetic mix of expression, laughter, healing, play and Joy. I have been leading movement retreats since 2013 in Mexico, Bali, Panama & Costa Rica. I lead from a powerfully authentic, somatic – heart centered place, creating a holistic experience of fitness, pleasure and connection. Kick off your shoes and leave your inhibitions at the door!
Christy Cutler
Certified Teacher of the Feldenkrais Method/ Priestess of the subtle/ Awareness Architect/ Curator of curiosity/ Poetry lover/ Lifelong children’s dance teacher/ Traveler by trailer throughout the West/ Aquarius who cannot carry a tune/ Twenty years ago I discovered the genius of Moshe Feldenkrais’ somatic work. It fills my soul to experience and teach his movement lessons which are a gentle but powerful means to improve our mind/body, open us up to joy and being in our bodies just as they are. Beautiful and complete! 2019 will be my 5th year co-leading iBODY’s Magical Mexico retreat. Join me in slowing down and opening up to the small miracles, lulled by the sound of ocean waves in the background!
Annie Martens
Hatha & Yoga Nidra Instructor/ Yogini Goddess/ Professional Free Spirit/ Silent Meditation Facilitator/ Age-is-Just-a-Number Believer/ Sagittarius/ Astrology Blogger/ Poet/ Non-dualist/ Ayurveda Lover/ Over the last decade, yoga has become the lens in which I see life through. That’s why in my classes why I often share stories of my times spent in India, the place that yoga originated many thousands of years ago. It’s my desire to bring the magic I found there to you, and to inspire you to see the beautiful and authentic aspects of not only yoga, but yourSelf! I’m humbled to co-facilitate this supremely special retreat for the second year, and I so look forward to a week of connection and soul-growth with you!