At Mar de Jade we are dedicated to creating a peaceful and caring environment to awaken, nurture & share the best within us. We live by the values of sustainability, service and community.
Mar de Jade has been family-run for over 30 years with a strong commitment to community service through the creation of non-profit Community Programs such as a Medical Clinic, a After-School Program, a Montessori School and an Organic Farm.
We are blessed with three generations of our family living at Mar de Jade, a wonderful staff -some of whom have been here for almost 15 years- and friends and retreat leaders who have been visiting us for many years. When you visit Mar de Jade, you become part of the family.
Nuestro equipo es nuestro elemento más valioso, y estamos unidos por el objetivo de servir a nuestros huéspedes.
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En Mar de Jade trabajamos para brindar nuevas oportunidades a niños y familias de nuestra comunidad.
Mar de Jade hospeda los mejores retiros en México. Elige entre una gran variedad de Retiros de Yoga, Meditación, Talleres, Programas… Cada día es una oportunidad de cambio y transformación.