Rohatsu Zen Meditation Retreat

November 29 - December 06, 2025

Zoketsu Norman Fischer


About the Retreat

This Silent Zen Meditation Retreat, held one time per year, is a unique opportunity to practice a traditional sesshin in a bilingual and bicultural setting. It is led in English and Spanish, with a mixture of participants from Mexico, US, and Canada, with varying levels of experience. While the practice is intensive, there is a rest time for enjoying the beach and the beautiful natural surroundings. The retreat is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned students. It is possible to bring family members who are non-participants or part-time participants.

Poet and writer Zoketsu Norman Fischer is a well-known Zen Buddhist priest and teacher from California. Former abbot of the oldest Zen organization in the West, the San Francisco Zen Center, he is now spiritual leader of the Everyday Zen Foundation. Norman has been leading retreats at Mar de Jade for 20 years, and his teachings are especially relevant to lives of ordinary people as they work to find peace within their families and communities.



This traditional yet relaxed Zen retreat will include: sitting and walking meditation, simple work, dharma talks, private interviews with the teacher, and time to relax and enjoy the beach. The retreat is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned students.

Meditation Retreat includes:

  • Sitting meditation (Zazen)
  • Walking meditation (Kin-hin) indoors and outdoors in nature
  • Dharma Talks (Buddhist teachings and concepts)
  • Private interview with the teacher (Dokusan)
  • Simple work period
  • Time to relax and enjoy the beach.


About the Teachers

Norman Fischer

Zoketsu Norman Fischer es un poeta y sacerdote budista zen. Durante muchos años ha enseñado en el Centro Zen de San Francisco, la más antigua y más grande de las nuevas organizaciones budistas en Occidente, donde se desempeñó como co-abad de 1995 a 2000. Actualmente es un maestro senior de Dharma allí, así como el fundador y director espiritual de Everyday Zen Foundation, una organización dedicada a adaptar las enseñanzas del budismo zen a la cultura occidental. Una persona de intereses inusualmente amplios, su enseñanza zen es conocida por su eclecticismo, apertura, calidez y sentido común, y por su voluntad de dejarlo todo, incluido el zen. Sus principales intereses, además de la poesía y las enseñanzas budistas y zen tradicionales, son la adaptación de la meditación y la comprensión zen al mundo de los negocios, el derecho, la resolución de conflictos, el diálogo interreligioso (trabaja especialmente con la meditación judía y el diálogo intermonástico católico). ), el cuidado de los moribundos (durante muchos años ha sido profesor y es presidente emérito de la junta del Proyecto Zen Hospice), el mundo de la tecnología, y cualquier otra cosa que se le ocurra.

Retreat Rates

What’s Included:
  • Retreat Program & Tuition
  • Selected Accommodation
  • 3 Delicious Buffet Meals per day
  • Coffee, Tea & Fruit all day
  • Use of All Resort Facilities
  • All Taxes
  • Dharma Talks (Buddhist teachings)

  • Private Interview with the Teacher

Not Included:
  • Airfare
  • Transportation To / From the Airport
  • Resort Staff Gratuities
  • Spa Treatments
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