Enlightenment & Evolution Retreat

January 21 - January 27, 2023

Dr Michael Cotton



About the Retreat

What would it feel like to be completely and radically free? Is it even possible? There has never been a time quite like the one you are living in now. Science continues to prove that there is more to your mind, body and soul than previously imagined.
The reality is…there is a new reality and we are on the forefront of that journey.
The definition of freedom may vary from person to person, but we might all agree that living “free” means you are living up to the highest measure of your potential, AND that you are experiencing life with an abundance of peace, joy and ease.
What would life look like if that were true?

It CAN happen and we’d like to show you how. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?

The Enlightenment & Evolution Retreat is designed to usher you into a new way of being. Ground your Authentic Self in the formless dimension of pure consciousness and discover who you are at your very core—without judgment and labels.

You will awaken to a realization of awareness beyond the world of space, time and form. You will directly experience that eternal part of you that wasn’t born in time and therefore will never die.  When you know this aspect of yourself, you know peace.

You will return home with a new perspective, a new community of like-minded friends, and a new purpose to your life. You’ll have more peace, calm, focus and exponentially more joy!


Example of daily schedule
(the schedule will organically shift to accommodate the needs of the week)
Day 1 Saturday Jan 21
Arrival at Mar de Jade
Talk by Dr Cotton – introductions – demos

Day 2-6 Sunday – Thursday Jan 22-26
Group Session
Talk by Dr Cotton

Meet as a Group


Free Time
Source Code Yoga
Meet as a Group
Group Dinner
Meet as a Group

Day 7  Friday Jan 27
Group Session & Closing Ceremony

Payment & Cancellation Policy

Access https://sourcecodemeditation.com/enlightened-evolution-retreat/ to register.
* Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates from Source Code Meditation and The New Human University. Learn about upcoming events and retreats, program discounts, and scientific developments!  https://sourcecodemeditation.com/


What’s Included:

  • Lodging during the Enlightenment & Evolution Retreat
  • Daily Hands-On Sessions from our Elite Team
  • The most up-to-date teachings by Dr Cotton
  • Learn about the 9 Summits of Transformation
  • Techniques and programs you can use in your new life
  • 3 Delicious Buffet Meals per day
  • Coffee, Tea & Fruit available all day
  • Use of All Resort Facilities
  • Community that results in sacred, life-long connections
  • Enlightened Group Dialog

Not Included:

  • Airfare
  • Transportation To / From the Airport
  • Excursions & Resort Activities
  • Resort Staff Gratuities
  • Spa Treatments
  • Bar Drinks (alcohol not served during retreat)
  • Lodging before/after specified Retreat dates

About the Teachers

Dr. Michael Cotton

Dr. Michael Cotton is a leading Integral Meta-theorist in the evolution of consciousness and culture.  He uses the integral framework to support his creations of organic human technologies that liberate subtle energy in the body and awaken the brain. Michael is the Founder and Director of The NEW HUMAN University™,  creator of the Higher Brain Living® technique, and creator of Source Code Meditation™ & the 9 Summits of Transformation™, which this retreat is based on. With more than 30 years’ experience in personal and cultural transformation, Dr. Cotton personally hosts and facilitates this annual retreat and is joined by his elite team of Retreat Facilitators. This transformative and profound experience is unlike any other on the planet. It is packed with meaning and purpose and an engaged, passionate community.   https://sourcecodemeditation.com/

Retreat Rates

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