3rd Annual Midwinter Yoga Retreat

February 18 - February 25, 2023

Jane Freedman



About the Retreat

We are being invited into a greater understanding of being a spirit having a human experience.

Many of us are struggling with the connection between our conditioned minds and what is in our heart.

This retreat is about joining soul to sol to sole.

Each practice will work with the energetics of the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of being human.

If you’re being called to a deeper communion with your soul in a gorgeous, nurturing environment on the sea, join me and a loving community of your peers in February for a week of revelry and riotous good times!


This retreat is dedicated to You and your sweet Soul.  

We will awaken a sense of spiritual reverence, enliven your intuitive trust and deepen your sense of presence. 

Take a break this winter to connect with your heart truths and infuse your life with gratitude, appreciation, joy, and love. Enjoy seven days of asana, meditation, pranayama, & self-inquiry in a beautiful and unique setting.

Click here for further information.

About the Teachers

Jane Freedman

Jane has practiced Iyengar yoga for 33 years and teaches an inspired mix of styles. She is the owner of Blake Avenue Yoga Studio and the creator of Rebirth Your Worth, a holistic empowerment program combining her wealth of experience in the fields of astrology, yoga, self-inquiry, meditation, and wellness.

As a lover of the cosmos and yogic teachings Jane is passionate about helping people access the empowerment of their intuitive intelligence and the wisdom of their natural body.

Jane will inspire you to build intentional quality, inner trust, and deep rapport into the relationship between your mind, your body, and your spirit.

“Yoga is the most profound relationship I have ever known. This practice has held my curiosity and my heart with a demand that I respect and a gentleness that I cherish. My impeccable teacher, Kofi Busia, inspires me to teach with consistency, clarity of purpose, and joy.” -Jane

Retreat Rates

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